The list of links below will direct you to individual Penn Summer program tuition and fees information.
Full-time Penn students
Check with your home school advisor regarding your selection process and tuition charges, as these may vary based on the school where you are currently enrolled. To register for Penn Summer Session courses, use Path@Penn. No application or enrollment form is needed.
Penn.Pay is Penn’s electronic billing service through which you receive a student account bill. You can also review new activity on a daily basis and opt to pay your bills online, securely and efficiently. For parents or other third parties to access Penn.Pay, you (the student) must invite them to be ‘other payers’. You will receive an email notification each month when a new billing statement is available on Penn.Pay.
Please note: All tuition and fee charges are subject to the approval of the Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania and may change without notice.
Financial Aid
Penn’s grant-based undergraduate financial aid program does not extend into summer sessions, and students should understand in advance that most aid will be available in the form of federal or private student loans. Limited grant funding is available for highly-aided undergraduate students. Students can learn more about summer financial aid on the Student Registration & Financial Services website.