
Penn Summer has something for everyone

Penn Summer offers current Penn students, alumni, high school students, and visiting students the opportunity to dive into exciting subjects and get ahead in academic pursuits. In 2021, our programs are being offered completely online. Enjoy the stellar resources of an Ivy League university and the freedom to explore a wide array of disciplines. With hundreds of online courses available through open enrollment, you’re just a few clicks away from making the most of your summer.

2021 Fast Facts

Courses in subject areas across disciplines
Academic departments for students to explore
Schools offering Penn Summer courses
Average student to faculty ratio

What are high school students doing at Penn?

The Penn Summer High School Social Justice Research Academy was awarded a Campaign for Community Grant from the Penn Provost’s Office in 2020 to support capstone projects on racial justice. Alice Chou, a student in the 2020 program, was chosen by the teaching staff for her video production skills to use the funds and make the following video.


“I enjoyed taking courses in the summer—the compressed schedule allowed me to enroll in two different courses for Summer I and II and become fully immersed in the subject matter for 6 weeks. I loved testing my limits and am looking forward to enrolling for summer courses next year!”

Brianna Reed
Payroll Coordinator, Penn Design