How To Look At And Write About Asian Art: MLA Proseminar: How To Look At And Write About Asian Art

Course Number
EALC 510 940
Course Code
Course Key
Primary Program
Course Description
This seminar focuses on ten very different monuments of Asian art in order to learn how to ask questions about and write about painting, sculpture, and buildings. Following a general introduction to the art of East Asia and South Asia, each class will focus on a major monument and similar examples of it: a Chinese bronze vessel, the Tomb of the First Emperor, Sokkuram, Elephanta, Traveling through Famous Sites of Wu, Tale of Genji, Gold Pavilion, the Forbidden City,Taj Mahal, the city Xi’an. We will discuss why each is important, its religious or philosophical context, and assess how it has been discussed in literature and modern writing.  We will then discuss optimal or innovative ways to present it and write about it. Each week students will analyze writing about that week’s subject and turn in a short evaluation of writings about the subject of the former week’s class.  The final paper will be an article of the kind one would submit to a newspaper or magazine.   The class will be taught synchronously.  However, students will be encouraged to write about an object in a local museum for the final project.